
If you have questions, email Ms. Lee at

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Observations of Physical Properties

Today the 5th grade explored the school grounds and observed the thing they found. The girls recorded information about the physical properties of the objects they found.

Recording data about the basketball court.

 The girls found a bird's nest.

What are the properties of a volleyball net?

 Why is that rock shiny?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome Back!

Hello Visitation Academy Family and Friends,

Welcome back to school! I am excited to be back and to see everyone again. This year our science class will be more challenging because I know the girls will rise to the challenge. I look forward to having a fun and productive year. As the year progresses there will be more posts to come.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at

All the best,
Ms. Lee